Take A Bite At Miami's Mouthwatering Restaurant, Giselle

Located atop Miami’s world-famous megaclub, E11EVEN, the newly-opened restaurant Giselle sets the scene for the ultimate night out. Brought by The Restaurant People and E11EVEN, Giselle is complete with mouthwatering cuisine, expert mixology, an alluring ambiance and exceptional service, embodying the ultimate Miami culinary experience. Helmed by chef Gustavo Zuluaga, the menu is both innovative and indulgent, spanning the likes of bluefin tuna truffle cones to Kurobuta pork ribs, Chilean sea bass and more. However, the standout is the Japanese A5 & Caviar, crafted with the most decadent of ingredients.

“We use the highest quality of A5 snow-aged Wagyu from Niigata, Japan, renowned for its marbling, tenderness, and depth of flavor,” explains Zuluaga on the dish. “The meat is lightly seasoned with sea salt and pepper, and seared to medium rare, to highlight the delicate and buttery texture of the Wagyu. Once perfectly seared, we gently slice the meat and pair it with our Siberian caviar from Antonious. We thought it would be a great pairing that our guests would enjoy and appreciate the playfulness of creating their own handheld wagyu bites, deciding the amount of caviar to indulge atop each piece.”

He continues, “This dish is perfect for Giselle because it matches the lively energy of the restaurant while remaining alluring and sexy, which is the essence of Giselle.” 15 NE 11th St, Miami, @giselle.miami

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