Miami Art Week: Guide to the Biggest Parties and Events

MIAMI – Miami Art Week and the Art Basel Miami Beach at the Miami Beach Convention Center is celebrating 20 years since the event came to town and now event organizers want you to come celebrate.

The big daddy of them all starts Tuesday, Nov. 29 through Dec. 4. as South Florida’s leading art institutions will organize over sixty exhibitions and events, both locally on-site and also online.

According to event organizers, the 2022 Miami Art Week plans to be their most historic and fun filled one yet.

Here is a list of the biggest parties and events that you can attend during Miami Art Week:

1. E11EVEN Miami Presents: “The Art of Nightlife”

Since opening its doors in early 2014, E11EVEN Miami has catapulted the South Florida nightlife scene to incredible new heights.

According to event organizers, the award-winning landmark destination established itself as the highest-grossing nightclub per square foot globally, further cementing its presence as one of the most sought-after clubs in the world.

E11EVEN has become well known for presenting unforgettable up-close-and-personal performances by some of the biggest names in the music and entertainment industry and Miami Art Week will be no different.

Here are the list of performance set to rock the stage at E11EVEN Miami:

  • Thursday- Surprise performance
  • Friday – 50 Cent
  • Saturday- Travis Scott
  • Sunday- Machine Gun Kelly

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