12 Can’t-Miss Food-Filled Art Basel Events In Miami This December

Miami Art Week is nearly here. What started as Art Basel, a yearly art fair that makes its way to Miami every December, Miami Art Week has grown exponentially and is now made up of dozens of art fairs, gallery pop-ups, and artist-inspired events and activations that take over nearly every corner of the Magic City. This year the festivities have been pushed back a week and will be taking place from December 7 to 10th.

While true art lovers will fill shows like Scope, Red Dot, Spectrum, and actual Art Basel, there are a ton (and we’re talking a ton) of events for those who want in on the action, but like to make sure there are plenty of bites and beverages along the way.

If you’re in it for the food and fun, here are 12 can’t miss Miami Art Week events happening this December.

Giselle Miami Presents Dinner, Drinks, and Live Art by Bisco Smith

Perched atop E11EVEN Miami ultraclub, Giselle will play host to a variety of events over the weekend, beginning Thursday December 7, with a live art performance from famed graffiti artist Bisco Smith, whose work is showcased in an interior mural as part of the venue’s design. Throughout the evening, a silent auction will take place where proceeds will benefit Project Art Box, a nonprofit organization dedicated to bridging the art education gap in underprivileged schools. Live beats by DJ Louis Dee will set the scene for a lively dinner party atmosphere filled with electronic sounds and the restaurant’s menu that merges Asian, Mediterranean, and French-inspired cuisine. To book reservations visit gisellemiami.com.

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